Qigong and meditation can help us awaken and bring healing to emotional and physical challenges in our life.

Health in our body and clarity in our meditation increases as energy flows more freely through the spine. Awakening the spine through qigong is a valuable support and complement to mindfulness meditation.

Our spines, and bodies, accumulate energetic imprints and physical tensions that can cause pain and block the free flow of life energy. Qigong practices release spinal stagnation and open a profound circulation of energy. This promotes health and wellbeing in body and mind. 

The radiant aliveness found through qigong combined with the wise focus of meditation reconnects us with the innate love, joy and wisdom of our true nature. Used in concert, these practices bring a bright wakefulness and concentrated, embodied presence that help us discover who we are beyond our stories.

Qigong and meditation enhance whole body energy flow which helps us return to a deep sense of joy and wholeness.

Qigong and meditation enhance whole body energy flow which helps us return to a deep sense of joy and wholeness.